Adding a Community Patient

A community patient, who is living in their own home and requires help with the administration of their medication, must be added into Pharmacy Manager before dispensing their MDS prescription.

To add a community patient to MDS:

  1. From the Pharmacy Manager Side Navigation Bar select MDS .
  2. Select Community Patient and select Add community patient:

  3. The Find Patient screen displays, you can now either:

  4. The Monitored Dosage System screen displays for the selected patient:

    Complete the following as required:

  5. If required, amend the Times and Dose Codes.

  6. Select OK .
  7. The Start Date screen displays, confirm the start date of the next medication period:

  8. Select OK to save.

On the MDS screen, select MDS Details to view the Patient Details - Patient screen, note the patient's name displays in MDSC Patient:

Adding a Community Patient (1:58)

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