Keyboard Shortcuts - Dispensing
See below for a list of keyboard shortcuts for use on the Dispensary screen:
F1 | Help |
F2 | Find Caution |
F3 | Patient Details - Other tab |
F4 | Find Direction |
F5 | Dispensary supply details |
F6 | Patient details - Medication History |
F7 | Prescriber details |
F8 | Prescription Item Details |
F9 | Dispensed as - Product details |
F10 | New Supply |
F11 | Confirm warnings |
F12 | Issue/Finish |
Ctrl + F3 | New product |
Ctrl + F4 | Manage trusted directions |
Ctrl + F5 | Bag label |
Ctrl + F7 | Reprint label |
Ctrl + F6 | Redispense |
Ctrl + F8 | Temporary patient |
Ctrl + F9 | Written as - Product details |
Ctrl + F10 | Abandon |
Ctrl + F11 | Confirm ALL warnings |
Ctrl + F12 | Extra labels to print |
Ctrl + A | Recall last patient |
Ctrl + B | Select Brand |
Ctrl + C | Alternative Pack Substitution |
Ctrl + D | Do NOT print DILS leaflet |
Ctrl + E | Endorse item |
Ctrl + F | Select form type |
Ctrl + G | Select generic |
Ctrl + H | Printed endorsements |
Ctrl + I | Instalments |
Ctrl + K | Compress directions |
Ctrl + L | Show surgery prescriber list |
Ctrl + M | Edit item |
Ctrl + N | Next item |
Ctrl + O | Auto order |
Ctrl + P | Preview item |
Ctrl + Q | View history |
Ctrl + R | Regular medication |
Ctrl + S | Print DILS leaflet |
Ctrl + T | Toggle NHS/Private |
Ctrl + U | Batch number |
Ctrl + V | Start intervention |
Ctrl + W | View PIL |
Ctrl + Y | Next surgery prescriber |
Ctrl + Z | Delete |
Alt + G | Default GP |
Alt + I | Insert item |
Alt + S | Save to pending |
PgUp | Increase order (Only available if automated ordering is switched off) |
PgDn | Decrease order (Only available if automated ordering is switched off) |
Insert | Dispense without printing |
Ctrl + Alt + Q | Quick interaction check |
Ctrl + Alt + R | Show/hide prescription |
Ctrl + Alt + T | Recalculate interactions |
Ctrl + Alt + U | Select multiple items |
Ctrl + Shift + D | Select from deal |
Shift + Insert | Dispensed by appliance contractor |
Note – To print this topic select Print
in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.