Repeat Request Export

Note - This report is only available if you have set up your NHS Mail Application Account in Pharmacy Details - Pharmacy - Communications, see Repeat Prescription Request via Email - England Only for details.

To run a Repeat Request Export:

  1. From the Pharmacy Manager Side Navigation Bar select Reports .

  2. Select Show data exports .

  3. From the list of reports, select Repeat Request Export and then select Run :

  4. The Run Report "Repeat Request Export" screen displays:

  5. Double click on the filter options as required to narrow down your search, or leave blank if the filter is not required.

    Select the filter below to display details:

  6. Select OK .

    The Repeat Request Export is saved to your selected directory, containing all repeat requests that have been emailed or printed by the pharmacy. The report contains:

    • Surgery Name and Address

    • Patient Number, Name, DOB and Postcode

    • Medication Description

    • Date of Request

    • Time of Request

    • Request Type

    • Username

    • Delivery Patient

    • App User

Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.