Patient details: Message Dynamics tab


Once registration has been completed for a patient, the Message Dynamics tab re-appears. At this point or when recalled in the future, alterations can be made to the settings for Message Dynamics. See Message Dynamics patient registration for details.


If the patient is not registered for Message Dynamics, the associated options will be disabled/greyed out.


To make any changes, or to simply view the current settings:

  • Tools > Inquiry > Patient

  • Select a patient

  • Click the Details button

  • Click the Message Dynamics tab

Message Dynamics

When a patient has been registered using the Repeat Rx wizard, their status will initially be Pending. This indicates that Message Dynamics is awaiting receipt of the activation code and/or has not acknowledged registration at this point.



Once registration is complete, the yellow Pending indicator will replaced by the green Active indicator.



Select this option to withdraw the patient from Message Dynamics.

Check status

Select this option to force a status synchronisation with the Message Dynamics system.

View SMS

Select this option to view any incoming SMS messages from this patient

Message Dynamics preferences

The initial preferences stated during the Repeat Rx wizard are shown as selected.

The two options are Landline and SMS Texting


Landline will use a conventional fixed telephone. Message Dynamics attempts to contact the patient over a 48 hour period, calling approximately every two hours.

Where indicated, the message will be in the form of an automated voicemail if the message call is unanswered as long as you have checked Use AnswerPhone if available. An AnswerPhone then counts as contact as no reply is required.

SMS texting uses mobile phone technology.

When one of these options has been previously selected, it can be changed to the alternate option at this point by selection of the other available radio button.

Using carer indicates it is not the patient themselves that will be receiving the messages, but a chosen carer.

Message Dynamics activation code

The activation code is a four digit randomly generated number. The number itself will not necessarily be unique but this is not of concern as it is used in conjunction with other personal details.


The activation code is printed automatically when a patient is registered with Message Dynamics. Whenever a change is made to the communication preference, or a new telephone number is used, re-activation is required.



  • Click the Print button to generate a new label with the current visible code.

This activation number will only change if any update to patient details takes place.


Re-registration is required if you update this preference.

Reprint documents

Any of the documents that have been printed already can be reprinted on demand.



  • Click the appropriate button to reprint any individual document you require.

A form printer must be installed and configured in order to print any of these documents. See Installing printers for details.


Updated 14th January 2010