Patient Details - Conditions

The Patient Details - Conditions tab displays known Conditions & Sensitivities for this patient:

To access the Patient Details - Conditions screen, either:

  • From the Find Patient screen, find the patient and then select Details or press Alt + D on your keyboard.

  • From the Dispensary screen, select either:

    • Information next to the patient's name:

    • F3 on your keyboard, this opens the Patient Details screen on the Other tab.

    • Or, F6 on your keyboard, this opens the Patient Details screen on the Medication tab.

Navigate to the Conditions tab.

From here you can view or update the following:

Any Patient Details - Conditions display on the Advanced Patient Notes screen when you dispense to the patient:

From the bottom of the Patient Details - Conditions screen you can select:

  • Delete - A warning displays, you can only delete the patient from the Patient tab.

  • OK - To save the changes and close the Patient Details screen.

  • Cancel - To close the Patient Details screen without saving any changes.

  • Apply - To save any changes made but leave the form on your screen. You can then select Close to close the Patient Details screen when you are ready.

For information on other Patient Details tabs, see Patient Details.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.