Quick interaction check

To run a quick interaction check:

  • Either press Ctrl + Alt + Q on your keyboard.


  • Go into Menu - Tools - Quick interaction check


  • Click <Quick Actions> then select Quick Interaction Check:

You can base the search on either a patient's file or on an empty record. This is a useful tool for checking interactions between OTC medications.

If the Patient has a PMR, you can check product(s) for interactions with any item issued to them within the time set in theInteraction Search Lengthin the Patient's Details.To check products against items in a PMR:

  • Select Check for Patient;

  • Enter Patient's name, then click Find.

  • Add products by selecting Add.

Any products that interact with an item in the PMR, or between each other, will produce an interaction message in the bottom window.


To view the full details of any Interaction message:

  • Highlight the message;
  • Select Explain.

When checking against PMRs, the system will tell you about any sensitivities added to that patient.

  • Click Remove to remove the highlighted product.

  • Click Close to exit the Quick Interaction Check without recording any details, for example, an intervention.


An intervention recording can be initiated from this point.

If the quick interaction check warrants an intervention, click the appropriate intervention button.


See Recording an Intervention for more details.