New Medicine Service (NMS) Active Store Details

The NMS Active Store Details screen provides you with an overview of active New Medicine Service (NMS) consultations within a specific store:

The NMS Active Store Details screen contains:

  • Total Referrals - Displays the total number of active NMS consultations at the store where the Engagement stage is complete.

  • Intervention - Displays totals of the active NMS consultations that are currently at the Intervention stage:

    • In Progress - Displays the number of NMS consultations that are currently at the Intervention stage but not yet Overdue or At Risk.

    • Overdue - Displays the number of NMS consultations that are currently at the Intervention stage with a scheduled intervention date in the past.

    • At Risk - Displays the number of NMS consultations that are currently at the Intervention stage where it has been more than 12 days since the completion of the Engagement stage.

  • Follow Up - Displays totals of the active NMS consultations that are currently at the Follow Up stage:

    • In Progress - Displays the number of NMS consultations that are currently at the Follow Up stage but not yet Overdue or At Risk.

    • Overdue - Displays the number of NMS consultations that are currently at the Follow Up stage with a scheduled follow up date in the past.

    • At Risk - Displays the number of NMS consultations that are currently at the Follow Up stage where it has been more than 19 days since the completion of the Intervention stage.

  • List of NMS Consultations - Displays a summary of each active NMS consultation.

    Training Tip - To search for a specific NMS consultation enter your search criteria in Search , the table updates as you type.

    Each active NMS consultation displays the following:

    • Status - The current status of the NMS consultation.

    • ID - The NMS case ID (provided by Pharmacy Services). This allows you to communicate with a particular store about a particular NMS episode.

    • Session - The three session stages; Engagement, Intervention and Follow Up, each with the assigned Pharmacist, Appointment Date and the stage Outcomes.

    • Medication - Lists all recorded medication the patient is currently taking.

    • Conditions - The patient's condition(s) for the NMS.

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