New Medicine Service (NMS) Active Store Details
The NMS Active Store Details screen provides you with an overview of active New Medicine Service (NMS) consultations within a specific store.
The NMS Active Store Details screen contains:
Total Referrals - Displays the total number of active NMS consultations at the store where the Engagement stage is complete.
Intervention - Displays totals of the active NMS consultations that are currently at the Intervention stage:
In Progress - Displays the number of NMS consultations that are currently at the Intervention stage but not yet Overdue or At Risk.
Overdue - Displays the number of NMS consultations that are currently at the Intervention stage with a scheduled intervention date in the past.
At Risk - Displays the number of NMS consultations that are currently at the Intervention stage where it has been more than 12 days since the completion of the Engagement stage.
Follow Up - Displays totals of the active NMS consultations that are currently at the Follow Up stage:
In Progress - Displays the number of NMS consultations that are currently at the Follow Up stage but not yet Overdue or At Risk.
Overdue - Displays the number of NMS consultations that are currently at the Follow Up stage with a scheduled follow up date in the past.
At Risk - Displays the number of NMS consultations that are currently at the Follow Up stage where it has been more than 19 days since the completion of the Intervention stage.
List of NMS Consultations - Displays a summary of each active NMS consultation.
Training Tip - To search for a specific NMS consultation enter your search criteria in Search , the table updates as you type.Each active NMS consultation displays the following.
Status - The current status of the NMS consultation.
ID - The NMS case ID (provided by Pharmacy Services). This allows you to communicate with a particular store about a particular NMS episode.
Session - The three session stages; Engagement, Intervention and Follow Up, each with the assigned Pharmacist, Appointment Date and the stage Outcomes.
Medication - Lists all recorded medication the patient is currently taking.
Conditions - The patient's condition(s) for the NMS.