EPS Returns Store Summary

The EPS Returns Store Summary screen enables you to drill down to view individual EPS prescriptions returned to the NHS Spine from a particular store over the last 28 days. To view returned prescriptions:

  1. From the EPS Returns screen, select VIEW PRESCRIPTIONS next to the required store:

  2. The EPS Returned After Dispensing screen displays the returned prescription details:

    • Prescription ID

    • Product

    • Dispensed Quantity

    • Return Date

    • Pharmacist On Duty

    • Reimbursement Value

Filtering, Sorting and Exporting Data

You can search for, sort and export the data on the EPS Returned After Dispensing screen as required:

  • Search - To search for a prescription, simply start typing either the prescription ID, product or pharmacist in Search , the table updates as you type.
  • Sorting Data - Select any header to sort prescriptions by the chosen header, for example, select Reimbursement Value to sort prescriptions by the reimbursement value. You can sort ascending or descending as required.

  • Exporting data - Select EXPORT to export the CSV (spreadsheet) file to your local Downloads folder.

    Training Tip - To view the Downloads folder, open Windows File Explorer, locate and open Downloads. A list of your recently downloaded files display.
See EPS Returns - English Pharmacies only for an overview of the EPS Returns screen.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.