Processing Emergency Requests
If you receive a request from a GP to fulfil a prescription where the form is to be provided at a later time, you need to create an emergency request in Pharmacy Manager.
An Overview of the Emergency Request Process
Creating an Emergency Request
To create an emergency request:
- From the
select Dispensary - Enter the patient and prescriber details.
- Add the item(s) in the same way as you would for a paper prescription.
- Select Form
- Emergency Request and the Dispensary Supply screen displays:
- In Reason for supply, enter the reason for the emergency request. Note - Do not enter any dates until you receive the prescription from the prescriber.
- Select OK
. The Dispensary screen updates to show that this is an Emergency Request:
- Complete the dispensing process in the usual way and select Finish
The emergency request displays in the Pending screen with the status Emergency awaiting receipt:
Reconciling Emergency Requests
Once you receive the prescription, you should reconcile the emergency request.
There is a different process for reconciling electronic and paper prescriptions:

- From the
select eMessages - Highlight the prescription and select Dispense
- The Matched Patient screen displays, select Next
- The Emergency Requests screen displays, match the Emergency Request Item in the central column to the Electronic Prescription Item in the right-hand column:
Select Next
and then select Finish
Complete the dispensing process in the usual way and select Finish

To reconcile a paper prescription:
From the
select Pending.
- Locate the emergency request and select Edit
Remember – To filter the Pending screen, select Show pendings with status and then Emergency awaiting receipt. -
The Edit Dispensed Item message displays, select Yes
The Dispensary screen displays the emergency request. Select Edit Emergency Request:
The Dispensary Supply form displays, enter the appropriate date in Date received or select Today to enter today’s date:
- Select OK
- Update the quantity or directions if required.Note – If you are making changes to the quantity, you need to consider the previous quantity supplied, for example, if 5 were supplied as an emergency request and the prescription is for 15, the quantity should be written as '5,10' as you are providing 10 to make up the prescription total.
- Discard the first label that prints, this is for the emergency request.
- Complete the dispensing process in the usual way and select Finish
The emergency request clears from the Pending screen.