Global Administration Times and Dose Codes
Managing Global Administration Times and Dose Codes
To manage global administration times and dose codes that are used across the entire system:
From the Dashboard, select Tools - Nursing Home Details.
Select the system type, the most commonly used is Cegedim Rx Own:
The Default Times & Dose Codes screen displays:

To amend global administration times that are used across the system, from the Default Times & Dose Codes screen:
Select the administration time slot you want to amend, for example, MORN.
Select Edit

The Enter Time screen displays.
Enter the updated time, for example, 8AM, and select OK
The time updates accordingly:

To amend global dose codes that are used across the system, from the Default Times & Dose Codes screen:
Select the administration time slot that contains the dose code you wish to amend.
Select Edit
The Enter Time screen displays. Select Add
Note - To remove an dose code, highlight the required dose code and select Remove.
The Find Direction screen displays.
Within Text, search for the required direction, for example, After food.
Select Find
All directions that match your search term display.
Select the required direction and select OK
The dose code is added to the administration time slot: