Fast Labelling

Fast Labelling in Pharmacy Manager (2:36)

What is Fast Labelling?

Fast Labelling pre-populates the patient, product, directions and quantity from an electronic prescription on the Dispensary screen. This allows for labels to be produced quickly and easily with minimal input.

Note - Fast Labelling is not currently available for Monitored Dosage System or Medicines: Care & Review (MCR) patients.

Enabling Fast Labelling

To enable Fast Labelling:

  1. From the Pharmacy Manager Toolbar, select Tools - System Settings - Pharmacy Details and then select the Keystroke Reduction tab:

  2. From Fast Labelling you have the following options:

    • Automatically Populate Dispense As Item - Tick to enabled. If enabled, when you dispense a prescription, providing that the:

      • Patient is matched to an existing patient,

      • Prescriber is matched to an existing prescriber,

      • Institution is matched to an existing institution, and

      • The medication on the prescription has been dispensed to the patient in the last 6 months.

      The following automatically populates on the Dispensary screen:

      • Patient

      • Prescriber

      • Written as - Populates with the details from the last time it was dispensed.

      • Quantity

    • Automatically Populate Directions From Electronic Prescriptions - Tick to enable. If enabled, when you dispense a prescription the directions from the electronic prescription automatically populate on the Dispensary screen.

      Important - If this is ticked, dosage checking for electronic prescriptions is not possible.
      Note - If there is a trusted direction set up for the direction on the prescription the trusted direction takes precedence.
      Note - This does not affect dosage codes when dispensing an MDS prescription.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.