Endorsing an Electronic Prescription
To ensure that your pharmacy is reimbursed correctly, Pharmacy Manager records endorsements onto electronic prescriptions to confirm the exact items that have been dispensed to a patient.
Note - You can set the Endorsing screen to automatically display once you complete a prescription, see Setting User Details for details on how to do this .
- Once a prescription is complete, providing you have set the Endorsement printing option to Always in User Details, the Dispensary Supply screen displays:
- To apply additional endorsements:
Highlight the item from the right hand side and select Endorse.
Note - You must select the second item line otherwise the Endorse option is not available.The Optional Endorsements screen displays, tick the appropriate additional endorsements and enter any information required.
Select OK.
Select Confirm
Note – To print this topic select Print
in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.