Initiating an intervention record
The exact steps to start recording an intervention will depend on the type of intervention and where you are in Pharmacy Manager.
Dispensary tab
Start producing a label for a patient/prescription. Once the written as/dispensed as item selection is displayed, the intervention toolbar button appears.
The intervention could be any type e.g. patient, prescription, item or interaction.
Dispensary tab > Advisory Message
Double click on the message in the advisory box and the window will display the text about the alert/advice
The window also contains an intervention button enabling an interaction type intervention to be recorded.
Patient Details
By following this route Tools > Inquiry > Patient > Find >
Details button you can append a patient intervention by clicking
on the Intervene button.
Patient Details > History tab
By following this route Tools > Inquiry > Patient > Find >
Details button > History tab, and highlighting an event you
can append an intervention.
The intervention could be any type e.g. patient, prescription, item or interaction, but depends on the type of event highlighted.
Alternatively, you can start the process by clicking on
the Patient Inquiry speed button.
Quick interaction check > patient & interaction
Click Tools > Quick Interaction Check to start a quick interaction check.
If you are doing a check where you have entered the patient's name, the Patient Intervention button is brought into focus and provides a short cut to starting a patient type intervention.
Furthermore, if you then enter an item that causes an interaction, the Interaction Intervention button is brought into focus and provides a short cut to starting an interaction type intervention.
Alternatively, you can start the process by clicking on
the Quick
Interaction Check speed button.
Finally, a quick
interaction check can be started by typing &
Once you have clicked any intervention button, the first stage of the Intervention Wizard is displayed.
Click here to continue with an overview of the Intervention Wizard.
Added 1st June 2006