Multiple patient selection


MDS tab > select Home > select multiple patients


When you are processing a batch of MDS home residents, it is possible to select more than one patient to enable efficient processing.

Selecting multiple patients

  • Highlight the first patient and then, holding down the key, click subsequent selections with the mouse.

  • Alternatively, once the first selection is highlighted, again holding down the key, use the or cursor arrows to move to a subsequent selection. Press the bar to highlight the subsequent selection.

  • Furthermore, if the intended selections are next to each other, select the first prescription, and then continue to highlight further selections by holding the and pressing the or cursor arrow.

  • Once the multiple selections have been made, click the View button.

Selecting all patients

Highlight the first patient and then, holding down the key and press

  • Once the multiple selections have been made, click the View button.

Next patient

The first selected patient is ready for dispensing once the Patient cycle tab is displayed.


  • Complete the dispensing for the first patient then press the Next patient button to move to the next selected patient.

  • Alternatively, press & to move to the next patient.

  • Repeat until all selected patients have been processed.

Any multiple selection is presented in a "top to bottom" sequence. By default this will be alphabetical order based on surname. However, if you click a column heading to re-order the list of home residents then that is the sequence in which they are presented on the patient cycle grid.


Added 18th January 2010