Adding a Wholesaler file


If you have not previously used a Wholesaler file, there may come a time when you need to add this facility to your Pharmacy Manager system.

You need to carry out the following steps.

  • Obtain the wholesaler file - usually via Network Manager or on diskette.

  • Import it into your system. See Import CIF Update file.

  • Obtain a System Administration Key from the Service Desk.

  • Use the System Administration Key to activate the Pharmacy Details > System Setup tab.

  • Select the wholesaler as the default. See below.

Select default Wholesaler

  • Now go into

Menu > Tools > Pharmacy Details > Setup tab.

This tab is not normally displayed - it only appears when you use the System Administration Key.

  • On the drop-down, select your default wholesaler; for example, Enterprise:

  • Click OK.

This completes the addition of a wholesaler file.


Click here for ordering on OTCs from a wholesaler file


Now you may want to use Cheapest Item Ordering. If so, please refer to Best-buy/Cheapest Item Ordering.

Updated 31st May 2006