Pop-up pharmaceutical notes

Pharmaceutical notes are supplied by a third party e.g. the product's manufacturer. Typically, they will contain guidance aimed at improving patient compliance or patient's use of the product.

  • Dispense an item as normal.
  • Press <F12> to issue/print the label.
  • The pharmaceutical note pop-up appears.


The supplier of the note will have determined whether, additionally, the note should be printed on a label. The label can be used as an aide-memoire for later counselling e.g. if the patient is planning to return to the pharmacy at a later time to collect the medication.


There are three modes that apply to the printing of a note.

Always or never print

The Print button is disabled for each of these two options. The text at the bottom of the window indicates whether or not a label is to be printed automatically.

  • Click the Close button to exit and close the pop-up note.

Optionally print

The Print button is enabled providing you a choice of whether or not you want to print a label.

  • Click the Print button to print the label.
  • Click the Close button to exit and close the pop-up note.

Notes: Some notes may span two or more labels.