Remove Pathway

A Pathway can be removed from Service Management to revoke the distribution to practices.

  1. Select the Pathway you want to remove from the Service Management Dashboard.
    The Pathway displays.

  2. Select Remove from the toolbar.
    A notification displays "Are you sure you want to remove this Pathway?".

  3. Select Yes to proceed or No to cancel.

  4. On successful removal a message displays "Pathway deleted successfully".

    If the Pathway had a Distribution status of Download Automatically, the Pathway is automatically revoked from all practices.
    However, if the Pathway was set to Manually Download , then the practice need to remove this from Download Web Files.

    A notification 'Obsolete - please delete' displays next to the Pathway.

Reactivating a Pathway

If a Pathway needs to be reactivated then the author of the Pathway can do this.

  1. Select Pathway Developer from the main dashboard.
  2. Select the Distribution tab.

  3. Select Download to access the Download Web Files list.
  4. Optionally, select the Filter to select your Pathway.

  5. Select the Download checkbox to the right of the Pathway.
  6. Next, select Download from the toolbar.
    The view refreshes with the status "Up to date" next to your Pathway.
  7. From the main toolbar select Open.

  8. Select the Distribution tab, followed by Distribution List.
    The Protocol Distribution pop-up displays.

  9. Clear the Obsolete checkbox.

  10. Select OK.
    The Pathway reactivates and can be published in the Service Management dashboard.