Data Grid

The Data Grid Widget uses a range of filters to display data by date and a combination of: Country, Organisation and/or Practice, this is the same as the large data grid used in Central Reporting.

Where practices are sharing Patient Identifiable Data, you can drill down to view this.
See - Patient Drilldown.

Note - Your Dashboard cannot contain more than one Data Grid.
  1. From the Widget Gallery on the left, select Add next to the Data Grid Widget , or select the Widget and drag to the Dashboard.
  2. Optionally, drag the Widget to reposition.

  3. Select Properties to set up the Widget.
    The Data Grid Properties display.

  4. Enter a Title, if left blank this defaults to the name of the Pathway selected.

  5. Optionally, enter a Subtitle.

  6. From the drop-down list choose the Pathway you want to view data from.

  7. Optionally, from the drop-down list to choose a Date Range.
    Note - The Date Ranges must be pre-set.  See - Date Ranges.
  8. Select from the Indicator drop-down list, to report on multiple lines press CTRL while selecting.

  9. Optionally, select from the Practice drop-down list, to report on multiple practices press CTRL while selecting.

  10. Optionally, select from the Countries drop-down to filter the results by country.

  11. Optionally, select from the Organisations drop-down to filter the results by organisation.

  12. Select Done to update the Properties and X to close.
    The Data Grid displays, you may need to resize to view the full grid.

    Note - An alert displays to indicate when the data will be processed.