Count Widget

The Count Widget performs a total for the selected Indicator, if this covers multiple dates the Widget displays as a slide show.

Note - The Date Ranges for your Dashboard must be set up before they can be selected within a Widget.  See - Date Ranges.
  1. From the Widget Gallery on the left, select Add next to the Widget or select the Widget and drag to the Dashboard.
  2. Optionally, drag the Widget to reposition, or use the Arrows to change the size.

  3. Select Edit Widget to configure the Properties.
    The Count Properties display.

  4. Enter a Title, if left blank this defaults to the name of the Pathway selected.

  5. Optionally, enter a Subtitle.

  6. From the drop-down list choose the Pathway you want to view data from.

  7. Select the Indicator from the drop-down list.

  8. Optionally, from the drop-down list to choose a Date Range, and/or select a Report Date.
    Note - The Date Ranges must be pre-set.  See - Date Ranges.
  9. If there are multiple extract dates, the Count displays as a slide show, drag the Slider to set the Transition Interval between the views.
    Hover over the Slider to view the Transmission Interval.

  10. Select Done to save and X to close the Properties.
    The Widget displays.
  11. Optionally, hover over the Widget to activate the Arrows, these can be used to resize the chart.