Filtering Extracts

Filters enable you to drill down into specific areas of data.

Applying Filters

  1. From the main Dashboard select Reporting.
  2. Select Live data to exclude the pathways with test data.

  3. Choose an Extract from the list or use the Search bar.

    The Extract displays.
  4. Select Filters from the toolbar.

    The Filters view displays on the right.
  5. Select the drop-down arrow next to the appropriate field to define the Filter settings.

    • Report Date
      Choose the Report Date from the list.

    • Indicators
      These are the individual reporting lines, select a line to apply.
      To select multiple Indicators, use the CTRL key while selecting or select the check box which is visible when you hover.

    • Practices
      To view results for a single practice, choose from the list.
      To select multiple practices, use the CTRL key while selecting.

    • Staff
      Select or search for a member of staff to see their data only.

    • Countries
      Filter the results by Country.

    • Organisations
      Filter the results by Organisation, for example, ICS/Health Board.

  6. Select outside of the list to return to the main Filter screen.
  7. Add further Filters as required.
  8. To remove a Filter, select the X to the right of the Filter.

  9. Select Apply to set the Filter(s).

  10. To close the Filters, select X in the top tight hand corner.

Clear Applied Filters

  1. Open the Filters view.
  2. Select Clear.
  3. Select X in the top tight hand corner to close the Filters options.