Link Categories

Link Categories are used in the Related Information section when designing a Workflow to organise additional information.

Creating a new Link Category

To create a new Link Category:

  1. From the main Dashboard select Administration.
  2. Expand the Workflows/Guidelines section.

  3. Select Link Categories from the menu.
    The Link Categories view displays.
  4. Select Add Link Category from the toolbar.

  5. Enter a Link Category name in the pop-up window.

  6. Select Save to create the Link Category.
    A notification displays 'Link Category successfully added!'.
  7. Select X to close the pop-up.

Managing Link Categories

  1. From the Administration menu expand the Workflow/Guidelines section.

  2. Select Link Categories from the menu.
    The Link Categories view displays.

  3. Select the Link Category you want to change.
    The toolbar refreshes to include the following options:

    • Add Link Category
      See - Creating a new Link Category.
    • Edit Link Category
      Select to make changes to the name, select Save to update the changes.
    • Move up
      Moves the Link Category one place up the list,
    • Move Down
      Moves the Link Category one place down the list,
    • Disable Link Category or Enable Link Category
      Disable Link Category removes the Link Category from the Related Information view.
      Following selection a notification displays 'Disabling this link category will make this unavailable to workflow designers. Are you sure you wish to continue?'.
      Select Yes to proceed.
      If a Link Category has been disabled, select Enable Link Category to activate, a notification displays 'Enabling this link category will make this available to workflow designers. Are you sure you wish to continue?'.
      Select Yes to proceed.