Codes - A Quick Reference Guide
The following table is a quick reference for various GP and organisation codes needed for the NHS.
Code and Validation Description |
Format |
Obtained from |
Entered in |
Clinical Commissioning Group Code (or NHS commissioning board Local Area Trust) |
NNA (for example12A ) |
NHS Commissioning |
File Maintenance - Organisations - CCG - Identifiers |
Consultant Code |
8 characters, C prefix followed by six numeric GMC code, plus check digit |
GMC Unique code given to each GP by GMC |
7 numeric characters (may have leading 0) |
HA |
File Maintenance - Staff - Identifiers |
GMP code (England only) GMP code used by Path Lab as GP Identifier |
7 characters - G then PPA code followed by check digit |
From HA / Path Lab |
File Maintenance - Staff |
GP Code |
GMC code, local GP code |
TP/HB/CSA GP Code (HA GP code) Unique GP code given by HA can be same for several HAs |
Usually 3 or 4 alphanumeric characters |
From each HA |
File Maintenance - Staff - Identifiers |
PPA No (England) Unique code given to each GP by PPA (see also GMP code) |
6 numeric characters (same as GMP code minus first and last characters) |
From HA/ PPA or from script pad |
File Maintenance - Staff - Identifiers |
Prescribing number for doctors (Scotland only) |
6 characters, the first being alphabetic |
From HB |
File Maintenance - Staff - Professional |
Prescribing number for nurses (England & Wales) |
8 character, alphanumeric with format NNANNNNA, for example, 12A3456B |
File Maintenance - Staff - Professional |
Prescribing number for nurses (Northern Ireland only) |
Four digit numbers (pricing numbers) |
File Maintenance - Staff - Professional |
Prescribing number for nurses (Scotland only) |
5 character alphanumeric. First character is HB cipher, second two are unique identifier for the nurse, and last two identify the practice. |
File Maintenance - Staff - Professional |
Prescribing number for Physiotherapist |
Five digits preceded by PH |
File Maintenance - Staff - Professional |
Prescribing number for Chiropodist |
Five digits preceded by CH |
File Maintenance - Staff - Professional |
Prescribing number for Radiographer |
Five digits preceded by RA |
File Maintenance - Staff - Professional |
Prescribing number for Optometrist |
Five digits preceded by OP |
File Maintenance - Staff - Professional |
Senior Partner code GP code for senior partner for that HA |
Usually 3 or 4 alpha numeric characters |
From GP code for senior partner entered in Vision 3 |
Vision 3/ GPC |
Health Board - Northern Ireland |
ZE0 Eastern Health and Social Services Board, ZN0 Northern, ZS0 Southern, ZW0 Western |
Health Board - Scotland |
3 character version of the Health Board code (range SA9-SZ9). |
Healthlink Mailbox Identifier for Healthlink Mailbox checked against Reference code |
5 alphanumeric characters (HA or HB cipher preceded by F then 1,2 or 3 zeros to make 5 characters), for example, F00BU. |
Extrapolated from HA cipher |
Vision 3 |
Local health Board - Wales (replace Health Authorities in April 2003) |
Q followed by W and 1-5 5 alpha numeric field with the first 3 characters identifying the LHB (for example, Gwent QW1) and the fourth and fifth characters to be filled with zeros |
National identifier (important for exporting clinical audits to PCO). Also called the CRIR code |
6 characters, letter followed by 5 digits |
From HA |
Vision 3 (File Maintenance - Practice) |
NHS Trust, England and Wales |
R, A-9, A-9, followed by two blanks or zeros |
Primary Care Trust |
5, A-9, A-9 followed by two blanks or zeros |
Provider, Northern Ireland * |
Z 1,7 0-9 0-9 0-9 2nd character identifiers organisation. 1 = HSS Trust, 7 = Independent Provider |
Provider, Scotland ** |
S A-Z, A,C,D 0-9 0-9. The 2nd character identifies the Health Board. The third character A= Health Unit, C=Hospital Trust, D=Nursing Home |
Strategic Health Authority - England - Q code |
Q followed by A-9 and A-9 |
See Strategic Health Authorities |
Trading Partner Cipher HA Cipher unique to each HA |
2 or 3 alpha characters. In England, for example, BD Bedfordshire, LNA City and East London, NEW Newcastle-upon-Tyne. In Scotland it is the single letter code, for example, L Lanarkshire, G for Greater Glasgow Health Board; and in Northern Ireland, NI |
From HA |
Vision 3 (File Maintenance) , GPC |
CRIR code National Identifier (Practice code). |
1 alpha then 5 numerics |
From HA. |
GPC - Clinical Address |
Practice Edifact Link codes HA Edifact Link code for sending to HA |
Usually 4 alphanumeric characters |
From HA |
Practice Edifact Link codes Path Lab Edifact Link code for sending to path lab |
15 numeric characters (may have leading 0s) |
HA / Path Lab |
Qualifier Qualifier for Path Lab only precedes Edifact Link codes in transmissions |
80 (for both Qualifier fields) |
Will always be 80 |
Reference code Reference code checked against HA Mailbox |
5 alphanumeric characters (HA or HB cipher preceded by F then 1, 2 or 3 zeros to make 5 character code) |
Extrapolated from HA cipher |
Entered in Name on GPC - Clinical Address, to populate Reference Code |
Sender Edifact Link codes HA Edifact Link code for receiving from HA |
Usually 4 alphanumeric characters |
From HA |
Recipient Edifact Link codes Path Lab Edifact Link code for receiving from path lab |
15 numeric characters (may have leading zeros) |
HA / Path Lab |