Partnership Reallocation - Usual GP

You can transfer patients, either all, or those within a group, from one usual GP to another. The Acceptance date does not change.

Note - If you plan to reallocate a group of patients, rather than all patients, first create your group in Search and Reports or identify the group in Clinical Audit.

To reallocate a Usual GP:

  1. From Registration, select Transfer - Partnership Reallocation - Usual GPand the Partnership Reallocation - Usual GP screen displays:

  2. Complete as follows:
    • Type of GP - Defaults to Usual GP and cannot be changed.
    • From GP - Select the GP the patients are moving from.
    • To GP - Select the GP the patients are moving to.
    • Transfer all active patients or a group of patients in the range - Select either:
      • All Patients - To include all patients, or
      • Group - If you are splitting the patients over several GP's, select the group here.
  3. Select OK to start the reallocation and a progress bar displays.

See Partnership Reallocation - Registered GP for details of reallocating a registered GP.
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