Available Vision Functions and Default Access

Below is a table of Vision Functions and the groups that are permitted to access them by default. Some are All User access, for example, Appointments and others System Managers for example, Control Panel - Security:

Vision module


Groups permitted access


All functions

All Users


- Restricted Access

- - Full Access


Audit Report

All functions

All Users

Bulk Recalls

All functions

Clinical Managers

System Managers

CMS Message Collector

All functions

System Managers

CRPD Data Collection All functions

Clinical Managers

System Managers


- Start Collection

- - Change User ID

- - Change audit sequence range


Clinical Audit

All functions

All Users


- View Statistics

- - View Patients

- - Generate Statistics

- - - Advanced Generation Options


Consultation Manager

All functions


Clinical Managers


- Read Only

- - Lock Patient (Update Data)

- - - Delete Data

- - - Edit Data

- - - Start Consultation (Add Data)

- - - - Add Acute Script

- - - - Add Repeat Master

- - - - Re-Authorise Repeat Master

- - - - Re-Print Therapy

- - - - Issues Repeat Masters

- - - - Choose and Book Referrals

- - - - Choose and Book Referrals By Proxy

- - - Delete Item from Problem Group

- - View Pathology

- - Add/Edit Patient Warnings

- Show Deleted Records
















System Managers

Control Panel

All functions

All Users

Daybook All functions All Users


- Create Task

- - Complete Task


Tasks All functions All Users


- Create Task

- - Complete Task


Event Log

All functions

All Users

File Maintenance

All functions

System Managers


- Maintain Organisations /departments /people

- Maintain Staff

- Maintain Practice

System Managers


System Managers

System Managers

GP Communicator

All functions

All Users

GP Summary Bulk Uploads All functions Clinical Managers

Global **

All functions

All Users


- Access to Archived Data

- Access to Archived Staff

- Access to Archived Patients


- - Prescribing

- - - Print Prescriptions

- - - Edit Prescriptions

- - - Cancel Prescriptions

- - - Sign Prescriptions

- - - - Independent Prescribing

- - - - Supplementary Prescribing

- - - - NPF Prescribing

- Configuration

- - Patient Record

- - - Configure reprint reason

- - - Configure repeat inactivation/reactivation reason

- - Advance Settings

- - - Enable/Disable GP Summary


- - Emergency Access

- - Legal Access

- - Withdraw


Items Of Service

No longer applicable


Mail Administrator

No longer applicable


Mail Box

All functions

Clinical Managers

Mail Maintenance

All functions

System Managers

Mail Manager

All functions

Clinical Managers


All functions

System Managers


- Queries

- - Data Collection Agreement Maintenance

All Users

Other Reports

All functions

System Managers

Palliative Care Reports

All functions

All Users

Patient Groups

All functions

Clinical Managers

System Managers

Pocket Vision

All functions

Clinical Managers

Queued GP Summaries

All functions

Clinical Managers


All functions

All Users


- Read Only

- - Update Patient records

- - - Change Spine Sharing Consent

- - - Add Sensitive Records

- - Security Controlled Transactions

- - Merge Patients

- - Transfer Patients






System Managers

Registration Links

All functions

System Managers


- Standard Actions

- - Security Controlled Actions

All Users

SCR Viewer All functions Clinical Managers

Search & Reports

All functions

Also allows access to the Vision+ Practice Reports module.

All Users

Security module

All functions

System Managers

THIN Data Collection

All functions

Clinical Managers

System Managers


- Start Collection

- - Change user ID

- - Change audit sequence change

All Users




Vision Utilities

All functions



Populate Problems

Drug Dictionary Utilities


Populate Read formulary


*BRU Weekly Report

OXMIS - Read retrofit utility

Populate CMS Suitability

Priority Update

All Users

Clinical Managers

System Managers

Clinical Managers

System Managers

Clinical Managers

Clinical Managers

Clinical Managers

System Managers

See Vision Functions and Security Model for further details.

* BRU - A weekly report generated to the Birmingham Research Unit.

** Global includes access to archived data, archived staff and archived patients:

  • Archived data on Consultation Manager is the data viewed when you select Options - Show Deleted Records.
  • Archived Patients are those that can be viewed when you click off the Active Patients Only tab on the Select Patient screen.
  • Archived Staff are those staff that are made inactive on the Staff - Personal screen in File Maintenance.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.