Viewing the Current Users List

Staff that have been set up in Vision 3 display in the Current User section of the Security screen:

To define the data that displays in the panes:

  1. From the Security screen, select Actions:

  2. Select who you want included in the list and how you want them to display, you can select one, two or all three of these option:
    • View Inactive Users - Ticked by default, simply untick to view current users only.
    • View User Names - Tick to display staff names in brackets as well as their login names.
    • View User IDs - Tick to display the User Ids as well as the login names:

  3. Now define what information displays for the user when you select Expand next to a user's name, only one can be selected:
    • View Users Only - Expand is not available, just a list of user names displays:

    • View Users with Groups - Selected by default, expanding the list beneath a user's name displays the Security groups they belong to, for example, All Users, System Managers and Clinical Managers:

    • View Users with Functions - Selecting Expand lists the Vision 3 functions they have access to:

See Adding or Editing Users for details.
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