Adding a New Security Group

As a practice, you might want to define your own Security Group to which you can then assign common security rights. For example, the group could consist of practice nurses, or receptionists.

To create a new Security Group:

  1. From the Vision 3 front screen, select Management Tools - Control Panel - Security.
  2. Select either:
    • Group from the toolbar, or
    • From Groups of Users in the bottom left pane, right click on one of the existing groups and select Add Group.
  3. The New Security Group screen displays:

    Complete as follows:

    • Group Short Name - Enter a short name for the group, 17 characters maximum, 3 characters minimum, for example, Nurses.
    • Group Description - Enter a description which must be at least four characters in length.
  4. Select OK to save.

Your new group now displays under Groups of Users ready to be allocated to the appropriate Vision Functions.

To update the name or description of a group, simply right click on the group and select Edit Group.

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