Adding an Action Status

To add an Action Status:

  1. From Vision 3, select Management Tools - Control Panel - Mail Maintenance and then the Action Status.
  2. Right click on the status required and select Add choose from:
    • Initial Status
    • Selectable, or
    • Discontinued
  3. The Action Status - Add screen displays. Complete as follows:
    • Status Text - Enter the status code required, for example, under Initial Status, a status code of 'Newly Actioned' or under Selectable, a status code of 'Complete'. Other examples might be:
      • Deferred
      • Called patient - no reply
      • In hand
      • Awaiting patient response
      • Awaiting laboratory response
      • Completed successfully (tick Completes)
      • Appointment made (tick Completes)
      • Unable to complete
    • Completes - Each action can be outstanding or complete. The status further qualifies the outstanding state but application of a particular status code may implicitly complete the action. For example, an action of 'Make an appointment' with a status code of 'Appointment made' is implicitly complete. Tick Completes on any status that would indicate a complete action.
      Note - 'Completed' does not necessarily mean completed successfully, numerous status codes may mark an action as complete even though they have not been successfully performed.
  4. Select OK to save:

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