Adding Staff to a Group

To add staff to a Staff Group:

  1. From the Vision 3 front screen, select Management Tools - Control Panel - File Maintenance.

  2. Select Staff Groups .

    Training Tip - For adding staff to a group, it is probably easier to sort them by role first, right click on the Active folder and select Display by Role.
  3. Select the group you want to add staff to and either:
    • Select Add .
    • Select multiple names by holding the <Ctrl> key and highlighting all those required, a block of names can be selected by holding the <Shift> key, right click and select Add Staff Member(s).
    • Right click on a group and select Add Staff Member(s).
  4. The Select Staff Member - Add screen displays:

  5. Select the staff name to be added, hold <Ctrl> and select any other names required.

  6. Select OK to save.

Adding All Staff to a Staff Group

To add all staff to a Staff Group:

  1. From the Vision 3 front screen, select Management Tools - Control Panel - File Maintenance.

  2. Select Staff Groups .

  3. Right click on the staff group to add staff to, and select Add All.
  4. The Confirm Add screen displays, select Yes to confirm:

Training Tip - Sometimes it is easier to populate a group with everyone and then remove those not wanted in the group.
See Maintaining Staff Groups for details.
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