Staff Identifiers for Nurses

To set up identifiers for nurses:

  1. From Management Tools - Control Panel - File Maintenance, select the staff member in the usual way.

  2. Select the Identifier tab, select Add and complete as follows:

    • NMC PIN should be entered for each nurse:
      • Identifier Type, select NMC PIN.
      • Organisation - Leave blank.
      • Identifier Value - Enter the NMC registration number.
  3. Select OK to save.

In England and Wales, if the nurse prescriber is permitted to issue private controlled drug prescriptions, then a private controlled drug code must also be entered in Identifiers - Add - Identifier Type:

  • England - The PCD code in England has the format 6AAAAA, where A is a letter.
  • Wales - The IPC code in Wales has the format PNNNNNN, where N is a number.

Wales Only

In addition to the Prescribing Number all Supplementary Prescribers in Wales, nurses or pharmacists, should have a HSW registration number entered which prints on the bottom of prescriptions:

  1. From Management Tools - Control Panel - File Maintenance, select the staff member in the usual way.

  2. Select the Identifier tab, select Add and complete as follows:

    • HSW registration should be entered for each Supplementary Prescriber:
      • Identifier Type, select HSW registration Number.
      • Organisation - Leave blank.
      • Identifier Value - Enter the HSW Registration Number, usually six digits.
  3. Select OK to save.
See Adding Nurses for full details.
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