Staff Address and Email

The recording of address details for staff is optional, however a valid email address must be recorded.

To enter an address and contact details:

  1. From the Vision 3 front screen, select Control Panel - File Maintenance.
  2. Select Staff .
  3. Select the member of staff required and select Edit .
  4. Select Addresses and complete as appropriate:
    • Select Addresses - Add - Optional, select Add to display and complete the Address entry - Add screen, or highlight an existing address and select Edit and update as required. Select OK to save.
    • Select Communications Nos - Add - To add the staff member's email address. The Communication - Add screen displays, in Contact enter the number/email, in Type of Contact, select the type of contact number to add at least a valid email address for each staff member. Select OK to save:

  5. Select OK to save.
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