Adding a Nursing Home or Residential Institute

For nursing homes and residential institutes the Residential Institute (RI) Identifier is important for Registration Links in both England and Wales.

The RI code is:

  • V0 for Nursing/Residential Care Homes.

  • Y0 for Students.

To add a nursing home or residential institute to Vision 3:

  1. From Control Panel - File Maintenance - Organisation , or the Organisation tab.
  2. Either:
    • Right click on Residential Institute and select Add Organisation, or
    • Highlight Residential Institute and select Add , or
    • Select the arrow to the right of Add , select Add Organisation - Residential Institute:

  3. Complete as appropriate:
    • Name - Enter the name of the RI.
    • Mnemonic - Enter a short name for Vision 3 to use for reference.
    • Valid From/To - Optional, complete with the date your relationship commenced/finished if required.
    • Inactive - Tick to inactivate this RI.
    • Provider Unit - Tick it enable referring to this RI.
  4. Under Main Address, select Add, complete the details as appropriate and select OK to save, see Adding Addresses and Contact Numbers for details.

  5. Select the Identifiers tab:

  6. Complete as follows:
    • Identifier Type - Select RI Code.
    • Organisation TP/HB/CSA - Select as appropriate.
    • Identifier Value - Enter the appropriate code.
    • Valid From/To - Optional, complete with the date your relationship commenced/finished if required.
  7. Select OK to save.
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