Adding a Hospital or NHS Trust

You should add any NHS Trusts, hospitals and other local medical services or clinics to which you might make a referral to Vision 3. You should also include their departments, for example, Cardiology and if you want to refer to specific persons, Consultants.

  • Any hospitals with Provider ticked is available from the list on the Consultation Manager - Referrals - Add screen.
  • From Registration you can record a patient's hospital number if the hospital is As an Organisation.

To add a hospital:

  1. From Control Panel - File Maintenance - Organisation , or the Organisation tab.
  2. Either:
    • Right click on Hospital and select Add Organisation, or
    • Highlight Hospital and select Add , or
    • Select the arrow to the right of Add , select Add Organisation - Hospital:
  3. The Organisation Details screen displays:

    • Complete as appropriate:
      • Name - Enter the name of the hospital.
      • Mnemonic - Enter a short name for Vision 3 to use for reference.
      • Valid From/To - Optional, complete with the date your relationship commenced/finished if required.
      • Inactive - Tick to inactivate this provider.
      • Provider Unit - Tick to be able to refer to this provider.
  4. Under Main Address, select Add, complete the details as appropriate and select OK to save, see Adding Addresses and Contact Numbers for details.

  5. Select the Identifiers tab.

  6. Select Add and complete as follows:
    • Reference Number - Select from the available list.
    • Organisation - Disabled if you select NHS Trust Code in Identifier Type, but enabled for other options, select as appropriate.
    • Identifier Value - Enter a Reference number of the organisation code. For NHS Trusts, the 5 character code begins with R followed by A-9, then A-9, for example, RC1. The final two digits are either blanks or zeros. This then links up with a patient's hospital number and can be entered on referral letters:

  7. Select OK to save.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.