Adding Clinical Commissioning Group Details - England

To enter and/or check Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) details in Control Panel:

  1. From the Vision 3 front screen, select Management Tools - Control Panel - File Maintenance and then select Organisation .
  2. Select Clinical Commissioning Group from the list available.
  3. Select Add and the Organisation Details screen displays:

  4. Complete as follows:
    Note - These details print on your prescriptions.
    • Name - Enter your CCG Name.
    • Mnemonic - Enter a unique short name. Vision 3 uses this to recognise the CCG, for example, C03H for North East Lincolnshire CCG.
      Note - This is not the same as the CCG code.
    • Valid From - Enter 01 April 2013.
  5. Under Main Address, select Add, complete the details as appropriate and select OK to save, see Adding Addresses and Contact Numbers for details.

  6. Next, select the Identifier tab.
  7. Select Add and the Add - Identifier screen displays:

  8. Complete as follows:

    • Identifier Type - Select Reference Number.

    • Organisation: Clinical Commissioning Group - Select your CCG from the available list.

    • Identifier Value - Enter your CCG code, format is NNA, for example, 12A.

    • Valid From - Enter 01 April 2013.

  9. Select OK to save.
  10. Select OK to save again and add the CCG to the Organisation list.
    Training Tip - You can add as many CCG organisation details as you wish. These details can be used in mail merged letters.
  11. You now need to assign your CCG details to your practice details, see Main Surgery for details.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.