View Options on Import Profile Screen

All listed profiles are filtered on the printer type (script or label) currently selected in the Profile setup screen. In addition to this, the following user definable filters can be applied:

  • Source - This filters the list based on one of two options:

    • Practice - Profiles that have been created on other workstations in the practice.
    • System - Vision 3 defined settings. This is currently the contents of genprint.dat. If selected, then all columns are hidden except for Profile Name and Driver.
  • Platform - This filters the view to show profiles that have been setup. It always defaults to the user’s local platform, as it is unlikely that settings from a different platform work correctly.
  • Only show profiles with a matching printer driver - This filters the list to show only settings with a driver that matches the driver for the Windows printer currently selected in the Profile setup screen. If this filter is not enabled, then non-matching drivers are shown in grey text. This is important because, as with the platform, if the driver differs, then it is unlikely that the settings provide the correct layout.
  • Group By Workstation - If the source is set to Practice, then this option groups the settings by workstation.
  • Save Options - This saves the current options as the default for the next time this screen is launched on this workstation. This does not include the Platform filter.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.