National Summary Initial Upload - England

What is the Initial Upload and Who is Eligible?

Once your practice is permitted and enabled to use the National Summary Care Record (SCR) Service on the NHS Spine, you need to run a one-off process called the Initial Upload. This can run to completion, or be paused and re-started as required.

The Initial Upload compiles an Initial National Summary for each eligible consenting patient registered at your practice.

Note - The Initial Upload is a manual process that can be run on any workstation (apart from your EDI machine) by a System Administrator. All users can use Vision 3 normally during the upload.

Who is Eligible?

The patients included in the Initial Upload process are those who:

  • Are permanently registered with the practice (excluding applied for registration) at the point that SCR is enabled.
  • Have a new style NHS number and
  • Do not have a current National Summary record (when a patient registers, a current PSIS summary can be downloaded at that time)
  • Patients with an FP69 flag are not included in the Initial Upload process.
    Note - Those who have expressed dissent are still part of the Initial Upload process. A blank summary is sent to the NHS Spine with a message explaining that the patient does not want a SCR.

SCR PDS Synchronisation

During the Initial Upload, a new SCR PDS synchronisation is automatically run . The following criteria must be synchronised in order to upload an the current SCR:

NHS number

Gender +






Points to note:

  • If PDS and Vision 3 data have corresponding blanks for non-mandatory demographic information, the PDS synchronisation is regarded as matched.
  • If the patient demographic data is not successfully SCR PDS synchronised, the SCR initial upload for the patient is skipped and the SCR on the NHS Spine is not accessible from Consultation Manager.
  • You are still able to remove your Smartcard whilst the initial upload is running. PDS mismatches do not display on the screen during this time.
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