Enhanced Security

Important - If you start the Enhanced Security process, it is vital that you complete it. You need access to your NHS email in order to complete this process, so do not start the process if you do not have access to it.

Vision 3 release DLM 830 introduced enhanced security to all Cegedim Healthcare Solutions Primary Care products. This is being introduced to improve the security of your system and safe guard your patient data in line with the requirements laid out by the national bodies across all four nations.

In order to be ready for enhanced security, all Vision 3 users, including those that are set up in Vision 3 to use Vision Anywhere, Appointments, Tasks and Community in a mobile or stand alone setting, must have a valid NHS email address recorded.

Note - Enhanced Security does not work with shared email addresses, each staff member must have their own unique email address.

A valid NHS email is one that ends:

  • @nhs.net

  • @nhs.scot

  • @nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

  • @lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk

  • @ggc.scot.nhs.uk

  • @aapct.scot.nhs.uk

  • @borders.scot.nhs.uk

  • @wales.nhs.uk

  • @hscni.net

Important - Once updated to Enhanced Security, your email address cannot be edited or deleted as this prevents you from accessing Vision 3 or Vision Anywhere.
Training Tip - If you need to change your email address, please contact the service desk in the usual way, see Contacting Us for Support for details.

Updating to Enhanced Security

The first time you log into Vision 3 or the first time after Enhanced Security is switched on at your practice, you are prompted to update to Enhanced Security.

  1. From your Vision 3 log in screen, select your user name and enter your usual password.

  2. The Enhanced Security Migration Opt Out screen displays, detailing the email address that is set up against your account:

  3. Check the email address referenced is correct, if:

    • The email address is correct, select Yes to continue the move to enhanced security.

    • The email address is wrong, select No and you are logged in with your local credentials.

      Training Tip - Contact your systems administrator to update the email on your record, see Editing Staff Details in the Management Tools Help Centre for details.
  4. A Vision Login screen displays advising you must confirm your email address, select OK.

  5. If you have not already logged into your email system, log in and then check your emails for the confirmation email message. Copy the confirmation code from the confirmation email.

  6. Return to the Vision 3 screen and the Please confirm your email address screen displays, paste the code you have copied into this screen and select OK.

    Training Tip - You can press the Ctrl + C keys on keyboard at the same time to copy and the Ctrl + V keys at the same time to paste.
  7. A Vision Login screen displays advising your email address is confirmed, select OK.

Your update to Enhanced Security is complete, simply enter your password in the usual way to finish logging in to Vision 3.

Important - If you work across more than one practice or service using Cegedim Healthcare Solutions products, as each practice or service updates to Enhanced Security, your email address is recognised and you must use the password you used the first time you updated to Enhanced Security, see Working Across Multiple Sites During Enhanced Security Roll-Out for further details.
Note - If you do not complete the update to Enhanced Security, when you log into any of the Cegedim Healthcare Solutions applications from your desktop, a 'Email address requires validation' message displays above your user name and you cannot log in until it is complete.

Setting up New Users

Once Enhanced Security is enabled, you are prompted when setting up a new staff member in Management Tools - Control Panel - Security if the staff member does not have a valid email address set up in File Maintenance:

Note - Once the email address is added, the log in is not available for approximately 15 minutes.
See Adding Staff - A Quick Reference Guide in the Management Tools Help Centre for details.
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