The Component Parts of the Therapy - Add Screen
The Therapy - Add screen is built up of the following components, this list contains a brief description of each component and a link to full details where appropriate:
Date Prescribed - Defaults to today, update as required.
Prescriber - Defaults to the prescriber logged on, if the person logged on is not a prescriber:
England, Wales and Northern Ireland - Defaults to the Usual GP.
Scotland - Defaults to blank, you must select a prescriber.
- Source of Drug - Defaults to In practice, update as appropriate, see Recording Medication issued by Other Organisations for details.
Organisation (if Source of Drug is outside the practice only) - Select from the available list, see Recording Medication issued by Other Organisations for details.
Drug - Select the item you want to prescribe, see Using the Select Drug Screen for details.
Item Review (Repeat Master only) - Set a review date for this item, see Adding Individual Item Medication Reviews for details.
Quantity - Defaults to the item defaults if set, enter the number or quantity to issue if required, see Quantity and Preparation for details.
Preparation - Defaults to the item defaults if set, enter the preparation if required or select Pack Details
and select from there, see Quantity and Preparation for details.
Pack Size - Available if you tick P/Admin to indicate you are dispensing the item. Select as appropriate, see Pack Size and Pack Labels for details.
Treat Days (optional) - Enter the number of treatment days if required, this is for reference only.
Dosage - Completes with the item default, update if required, you can use standard abbreviations, for example, 1OD displays as 1 Every Day, 2PRN displays as 2 When Required, see Dosage for details.
Drug Class - Displays the licensed use of the item selected, update if appropriate.
P/Admin - Tick to indicate this medication has been administered by practice personnel, see Personally Administered, Batch Number, Manufacturer for details.
Dispensed - Tick to record medication handed to the patient.
Private - Tick to make prescribe this item privately, see Private Prescriptions for details.
Print Script - Ticked by default for In Practice prescriptions, remove the tick to stop this prescription being printed, for example if it had been hand written on a visit and you are recording it, see Printing Therapy for details.
PRN - Tick to indicate this is an 'as needed' item, see Prescribing PRN (As Needed) Medication
Repeats - Enter the number of repeats you want to authorise, see Adding a Repeat Prescription for details.
Batch Number (Acutes only) - A batch number should be entered for each personally administered item, see Allocating or Adding Batch Numbers for details.
Repeat Until Date (Repeat Master only) - You can optionally enter a date beyond which you do not want further prescriptions issued. You can use offset dates here, for example, 56d for 56 days, 3m for three months or 1y for one year.
Days between Issues (Repeat Master only) - Optional, can be used to restrict the spacing of issues being collected. This can help in the management of patients who persistantly collect their issues earlier than they should need to. Enter a minimum number of days between issues.
Force Re-authorise (Repeat Master only) - Optional, tick to ensure only clinicians can reauthorise this item.
Note - Any prescriber can reauthorise repeats with Force Re-authorise selected. -
Planned End Date - If you have a plan to stop supplying this medication at a specific time, you can enter that date here.
If you select a Source of Drug that is outside of your practice, Prescriber becomes a free text option to record the prescriber of the medication if required. A list forms as you use this option, see Recording Medication issued by Other Organisations for details.