Pregnancy and Lactation Warnings
When prescribing medication, pregnancy warning triggers if within the last year there is one or other of the following clinical terms recorded and neither is followed by a pregnancy outcome:
- An LMP entry, or
- A Read code Pregnancy entry on History.
A lactation warning triggers if a woman’s latest pregnancy outcome is either:
- A live birth within the last two years, or
- There is a History Read code entry of Lactation within the last two years. The Read codes for lactation include:
- 1551.00 H/O: infant breast fed
- 26B6.00 O/E - lactation breast
- 62E3.* Feeding intention - breast
- 62P1.* Breast fed
- 62P5.00 Breast feeding started
- ZV241.00 [V]Examination of Lactation mother
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