The prescriber list is made up from all your clinicians who can prescribe within Vision 3.
To set up prescriber details:
- From Control Panel, select File Maintenance - Staff and select the appropriate staff member.
- Select Edit
- Select the Professional tab and complete as follows:
- GMP Code - Enter for each GP Partner, it is made up of 8 characters, G followed by the 6 digit numeric prescribing number (PPA) plus a last check digit.
- Role - Select the appropriate clinical role.
Note - GP Registrars (Trainees) have the PPA number of their responsible partner. Prescriptions issued by GP registrars have (D) next to the responsible GP's PPA number and their name to the top left of the responsible GP's name. Locums, Assistants and Associates can use the same PPA number as one of the partners.
- Select the Identifiers tab.
- Select Add and the Add - Identifier screen displays, complete as follows:
All GP prescribers should have a GMC code set up:
- Identifier Type - Select GMC.
- Identifier Value - Enter the GMC code.
Note - Scotland only - An exception is made for locums, registrars and GP retainers in Scotland prescribing under ePharmacy, where, if no GMC code is entered, the value of their Responsible Partners is used.
- For clinicians who prescribe private Controlled Drugs:
- Identifier Type - Select:
- PCD Code for England.
- IPC code for Wales.
- Identifier Value - Enter:
- The PCD code in England - The code has the format 6AAAAA, for example, 6ABCDE.
- The IPC code in Wales - The code has the format PNNNNNN, for example, P123456.
- Wales only - Supplementary Prescribers:
Select OK to save.
England only - Role Based Access Control (RBAC), the prescriber must have the correct row added to their Smartcard.