Recording Non-allopathic Medication
Any non-allopathic medication your patient is taking, for example, homeopathic medication or Chinese medicine can be viewed and recorded from the Therapy screen.
The Therapy tab has a Non-allopathic therapy option with the number of active qualifying medications indicated in brackets:
Adding Non-allopathic Medication
To add a new non-allopathic medication:
From the Vision 3 front screen, select Consultation Manager and find the patient.
Select the Therapy tab.
Select Non-allopathic therapy.
A list displays, select Add Non-allopathic which is always at the top of the list.
The Complementary Therapy - Add screen displays:
Complete as appropriate:
Date - Defaults to today, update as appropriate.
Clinician - Defaults to the clinician logged on or the Usual GP if you are not a clinician.
Read Term - defaults to 8BF..00 Complementary therapy, update from the available list as required.
Self medication - Tick if the patient has selected to take this medication themselves.
Inactive - Tick if this medication is no longer being taken and you do not want the therapy to display on the Non-allopathic therapy count or list.
Notes - Enter the details of the medication plus any other relevant information, for example, dosage.
(missing or bad snippet)
Viewing Non-allopathic Medication
To view recorded non-allopathic medication from the Therapy tab:
From the Vision 3 front screen, select Consultation Manager and find the patient.
Select the Therapy tab.
Select Non-allopathic therapy.
A list displays, the top item is Add Non-Allopathic, beneath displays the first 30 characters of any active recorded non-allopathic medication. Select from the list to display the relevant Over the Counter Drug Use - Update screen.
If a patient has active non-allopathic therapy on their record, when you add an acute or repeat master the 'Patient has non-allopathic items, these are not included in drug checks' warning displays:
Away from the Therapy tab, Non-allopathic therapy displays on the patient record preceded by a Cane .