Editing Scripts to Add Batch Numbers
Practice Administered items such as vaccines and dispensed therapy must carry a computerised or manual record of batch numbers of generic (non-branded) medicines, and retained for a period of eleven years (extr. Dispensing Doctors Association, Guidelines for Dispensing Doctors (1999)).
Batch numbers are usually added at the point of prescribing on the Acute Therapy - Add screen. If the batch number has been left off:
From Consultation Manager, find the item in the patient record, right click on it and select Edit.
- Ensure P/Admin is ticked.
- Right click anywhere on the Acute Therapy - Update screen and select Batch Numbers - List.
- Either:
- Select the appropriate batch number from the list, or
- If the drug and batch number are not on the list, close the screen, right click and this time select Batch Number - Add and add the batch number. Select OK.
- Select OK to save.
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