Specific Drug Warnings
The following rules apply to drug checks on specific patients:
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For lactation to be recognised by the automatic drug check one of the following should be recorded on the patient's record:
- There is a live birth recorded in the Pregnancy Outcome - Mother SDA with an event date within the last two years.
- One of the following Read codes has been entered in Medical History within the last two years:
- 1551. 00 H/O Infant Breast Fed
- 26B6 00 O/E Lactating Breast
- 62E3. 00 Feeding Intervention Breast
- 62P1. 00 Breast Fed
- 62P5. 00 Breast Feeding Started
- ZV241 00 Examination of Lactating Mother
- L46.. 00 Obstetric Breast and Lactation Disorders NOS

For pregnancy to be recognised by the automatic drug check one of the following two conditions must be met:
- A Medical History entry of Read code 62... 00 Patient Pregnant (or any of its sub-codes) is recorded on the patient's record within the last year, which is not followed by a Pregnancy Outcome entry.
Important - If 62... 00 or any of its sub-codes is entered in any other SDA than Medical History, they are not picked up by the drug check.
- There is an LMP date recorded in the last year in the Pregnancy Dates SDA which is not followed by a Pregnancy Outcome entry.
Note - Pregnancy Outcome should be recorded in the Outcome SDA so that it is recognised by the Drug Check.

When prescribing for patients under one month old, age-related prescribing precautions do not display. To remind you to check for precautions elsewhere a new message displays in the comments section of the Drug Check Results screen mirroring the warning that displays in the top half:
See Methotrexate Warnings for further details
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