Using the Patient Browser Links Tab
From the Links tab, you have the following options from the toolbar:
Address bar - Select from the available list or enter a valid url to view that webpage.
Go - Select to find the address/option selected.
Arrows - Use to move backwards and forwards through the web pages selected.
Stop - Displays in grey when inactive.
Home - Select to return to your home page.
Favourites - Select to manage and display your favourites.
Maintain Links - Select to re-enter your login credentials where set up.
Selecting from the Address Bar
From the Address Bar, you can select:
Select an address option below to expand the section:

eCare is the eHealth Programme, to enable child protection information that is held by Lanarkshire MAS to be received and displayed by Vision 3.
This is targeted at patients who are active on the child protection register, or for patients that are linked to patients active on the child protection register. It also provides a facility to access information held by Lanarkshire MAS using the eCare Viewer.
The aim of Vision 3 Lanarkshire MAS eCare is to enable improved sharing of electronically held data among providers of children’s service and thereby ensuring that children subject to protection procedures, or who are at risk, are identified as soon as possible.
eCare Alerts for transferred out patients are not accepted by Vision 3.

Graphnet enables you to log directly into your ICB portal from within Consultation Manager

This displays a list of your local hospitals with links to their websites.

Selecting Patient Map gives access to Google Maps. The postcode of the patient selected is automatically passed to Google Maps so there is no need to enter it. A red indicator on the map indicates the location.

The NHS Prostate Cancer Risk Management Programme (PCRMP) aims to ensure that men asking their GPs about testing for prostate cancer are provided with clear and balanced information about the benefits and limitations of the PSA test. This should enable them to make an informed choice about whether to have the test.
The information pack contains:
- A booklet.
- Summary card for use when counselling the patient.
- Patient information sheets for the patient to take home following the consultation.
This enables you to download and print the current information pack from without having to leave Vision 3.

If you select a Revive hospital from the available options and this is the first time you have used the Revive database, you must enter your User Name, Password and Account code.
This is then saved by Vision 3 so that you do not need to enter your details next time.
However, if you get the information wrong when you first enter it, you need to delete and re-enter your login credentials, select Maintain Links to do this.

SignTranslate is a free web-based interactive tool created by SignHeath the healthcare charity for the hearing impaired. SignTranslate has been designed to help health professionals communicate with hearing impaired and also non-English speaking patients. SignTranslate provides a bank of useful words and phrases to help you communicate easily using British Sign Language and common foreign language phrases relevant to GP consultations. You can also use the British Sign Language Interpreting service which offers live sign language interpreters via webcam.
Accessing SignTranslate from Vision 3
- From the Links tab, remember you can press F10 on your keyboard for a full screen view of the Patient Record without the navigation pane.
- In the Address Bar, select SignHealth from the available list.
- If prompted to login, go to the section A GP wanting access? and select Click Here.
- Enter your practice national code, Vision 3 remembers your details so this only has to be done the first time.
- Select Go
- From the main screen, you can select from the foreign languages section for sign or other foreign language help. For sign you can pick Northern, Southern or Scottish from the foreign language list, the signs are different for these regions. Alternatively you can choose to use the online BSL interpreting service to access live interpreters via a webcam.
- Select Go
You can now select from the relevant sections as the consultation progresses.
Displaying an Ad-hoc Website
You can type a file path to any file name in the Address Bar and it displays in the Links tab.
It can then be saved into Favourites for future retrieval.
It need not just be an html file. If the files are not html but, for example, .doc or .pdf, the files display in the browser tab giving you instant access to internal documentation from within the patient record.
Changing Your Home Page in the Links tab
To change the homepage for display in the Links tab:
- From the Links tab, put the required web address into Address Bar and press Enter on your keyboard.The website selected displays.
- Right click on the Links tab header and select View Options.
- From the Browser Tab View Properties screen select Set Homepage.
- Select OK to save.