Using ScriptSwitch
ScriptSwitch works with the following aspects of Vision 3:
- Acute Therapy - Add
- Acute Therapy - Update
- Repeat Master - Add
- Repeat Master - Update
- Reauthorising of single repeat masters
Note - ScriptSwitch does not trigger when reauthorising multiple items or, if the Therapy screen is triggered from DXS.
When you are prescribing and select OK to accept your choices, ScriptSwitch seamlessly checks your selection and offers any recommendations for the current drug. If there are any recommendations, the PCO Prescribing Support Tool screen displays:
Select from:
- Accept - Select to prescribe the recommended item, the updated Therapy - Add screen displays. Check the amended details and then select OK.
- Edit Original - Select to review and if required, manually update the item selected.
- Prescribe Original - Select to prescribe your original item.
Issue and print the item in the usual way, see Printing Therapy for details if required.
Note - To print this topic select Print
in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.