Viewing and/or Editing an RMD
An RMD displays as an Electronic Letter on a patient record, you can select the entry to display the RMD at the bottom of the screen or right click on it and select Edit:
Any changes to an RMD automatically changes the status to Pending and enables Send. All Pending RMDs display in the patient's Alerts pane under the Navigation pane:
It is possible to send multiple RMDs for a single referral, each one replaces the previous on the e-Referral.
Right click on the RMD background to display the following menu options:
- Discard changes - Available on a Pending RMD, it reverses all changes made in this session, restoring the referral status if appropriate.
- Revert to this version - Available on a Sent RMD. All previously sent versions of an RMD are stored within an audit trail on the record, though in practice it would be unusual to send more than one. You can review the contents of previously sent RMDs using the Arrows
at the bottom, editing as necessary and then send. These arrows are not active until you have one sent version and have generated a further RMD. The left arrows show the previous sent version to the current one, and the right arrows the next version. This allows you to edit the current Pending version and then Send:
- Don't Send RMD yet - Available on an Awaiting Send RMD, resets the status to Pending.