Deleting Entries

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Deleting Entries in Consultation Manager (1.03)

Viewing Deleted Entries in Consultation Manager (1.31)

Occasionally you may need to delete an entry from a patient's record, for example, it may have been added to the wrong patient. Most entries are deleted in the same way:

  1. From Consultation Manager , open the patient required and locate the data that needs deleting.
  2. Right click on the entry and select Delete.
  3. The Delete screen displays, select Delete again.
  4. The Delete patient data screen displays:

  5. Select the appropriate Reason for deletion and enter any Additional information if required.
  6. Select OK to save. 
Training Tip - If you delete an immunisation which is part of a compound, for example MMR, the associated entries are also removed.

A task is automatically sent to your designated Privacy Officer(s) notifying them of this deletion.

Viewing Deleted Entries

If a patient has deleted entries on their record, you are alerted in the Alerts pane:

To view deleted records for a patient:

Note - You, or a group you belong to must be added to the Show Deleted Records within Control Panel - Security - Vision Functions - Consultation Manager to view deleted records, see Adding and Removing Users and Groups from Vision Functions in the Management Tools Help Centre for details.
  1. From Consultation Manager , select the patient required.
  2. From Consultation, select Options - Show Deleted Records.
  3. The title bar displaying the patient's demographic details displays in red and the Status Bar states DISPLAYING DELETED DATA.
  4. Select Summary - Medical Overview.
  5. A list of all the patient's deleted data displays, simply select the data type on the left to view the details on the right:

  6. To return to live data mode, from Consultation, select Options - Show Deleted Records again to remove the tick.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.