Adding a Request

To record a test request:

  1. From Consultation Manager , select the patient required and start a consultation if required.
  2. Select Add - Request - Request, remember you can press Alt+A then Alt+R Alt+R if using the keyboard.
  3. The Requests - Add screen displays:

    Complete as follows:

    • Date of Request - Defaults to today's date, update as required.
    • Clinician - Defaults to the staff member or GP signed on for the current session, update as required.
    • Private - Defaults to unticked, tick if you are recording a private consultation.
    • In Practice - Ticked by default, remove tick to record result was recorded out of the practice.
    • Read Term for Request Reason - Select the appropriate Read code, see Finding a Read Code for details.
    • Urgency - Select as appropriate.
    • Date specimen taken - Defaults to today's date, update as required.
    • Provider:
      • Unit - Select as appropriate
      • Department - Select if required
      • Consultant - Select if required
      • NHS Specialty - Select if required
      • TP Speciality - Select if required
    • Details - Enter details as required.
    • Recall - Select to add recall dates if required.
    • Letter - Select to create a referral letter, see Generating a Referral/Request Letter for details.

    • Label - Select to print a specimen label for this request, check the number of labels is correct and select OK, for design details see Specimen Labels for details.

    • Default - Select to use or set up a default request, see Setting Up Default Referrals and Requests for details.
  4. Select OK to save and close.

To view Requests, either:

  • Select Medical History - Requests from the navigation pane, or
  • Select List - Requests.
Note - To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.