Adding a Recall

Recalls within Vision 3 enable you to contact your patients in a timely manner for reviews. Common uses include cervical cytology, blood pressure checks, chronic disease checks and age related checks.

Note - Medication Reviews are set up separately, see Adding a Medication Review for details.

To add a recall:

  1. From Consultation Manager , select the patient required and start a consultation if required.
  2. Either:
    • Select Add - Recalls, remember you can use Alt + A then Alt + R on your keyboard.


    • Select Recall from any screen.
  3. The Recall - Add screen displays:

    Complete as follows:

    • Set up Date - Defaults to today's date, update if required.
    • Clinician Setting Recall - Defaults to the staff member or GP signed on for the current session, update as required.
    • Read Term for Recall Trigger - If this Recall is generated:
      • from a Recall , this defaults to the selected clinical term.
      • From Add - Recalls, enter the clinical term required.
    • Recall Status - Defaults to Outstanding, update if required:
      • Outstanding - Select to indicate the recall is active.

      • Cancelled - Select to indicate the recall is no longer relevant or active.

      • Complete - Select to indicate the recall is fully actioned.

      • None - This allocates the recall no status and should therefore be avoided.

    • Recall Date - Enter a date for the follow up, standard Vision 3 short dates work here, for example 2w =2 weeks, 3m = 3 months, 5y = 5 years.
    • Clinician to Action Recall - Defaults to the staff member or GP signed on for the current session, update if required.
    • Read Term for Recall Reason - Defaults to the same clinical term as the Recall Trigger, update if required. For example, Recall Trigger could be 'Allergic rhinitis', while the Recall Reason could be 'Allergic disorder monitoring'.
    • Notes - Select to add free text if required.
    • Letter - Select to create a recall letter, see Generating a Recall Letter for details.
  4. Select OK to save and close.

It is good practice to have only one active recall for each review category, for example, one for BP recall , one for diabetic review. If you find you have multiple recalls for individual aspects of a patient's record, you should ideally tidy them, see Tidying Recalls for details .

Recalls in Appointments

You can select to see any active outstanding recalls within a specified time period when booking appointments, if you are using:

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