Guidelines Properties - Word Wrap, Selectable, Initially Expanded, Embedded
If you click with the right mouse on a guideline or report line in Design Mode , you can select Properties:
Select a topic below to expand the section:

This determines whether or not a line is shown expanded when the report is selected, or collapsed. For example, if Initially Expanded is not ticked on a sub-heading line, then only its blue heading is shown on initial display. It must be selected to display any listed text beneath. Unchecked is the default in order to keep the initial uncluttered.

A line can be displayed with Word Wrap either on or off. If selected, the text displays on your screen with the end of a line continuing on to the next line. Most text lines are wordwrapped by default.
If Word Wrap is not selected, the text displays on one line with a horizontal scroll bar for you to look at the rest of the text.

If a line is marked as selectable, then when it is selected, or the space bar pressed, the line is highlighted and an action, for example, printing is carried out.
If it is non-selectable, then selecting it expands or collapses the line. Only lines with no lower levels can be selectable, as clicking on these lines expands or collapses them.
If you have made a line non-selectable, in design mode you may mark the line as selectable regardless of whether or not the lines have lower level lines, the selectable line is usually the last of a level of lines, the Select option does not work when you come to use the report.
You may see a message telling you an item is non-selectable at the end of creating or amending a line. Select Yes to make a line selectable if there is no lower level of line after it, for example, a Patient Data line.

The Embedded option is only available from Properties if you have right clicked on an Embed Guideline line, see Embedding a Guideline for further details.
If Embedded is ticked, then the new guideline is embedded in the current report. The embedded guideline appears as an expandable line within the parent guideline and can be selected to expand.
If embedded is not ticked, once in use, the embedded Guideline is available in a separate screen, if selected.