Deselecting a Patient
If you have ticked Deselect the Patient automatically when a consultation is closed from Consultation Manager Setup - Consultation, then when you when you close a consultation, the current patient is deselected and all their forms are closed.
You can manually deselect a patient should you want to, simply select Consultation - Deselect the patient.
A patient is automatically deselected when another patient is selected or Consultation Manager is closed.
Once deselected, the name on the title bar disappears and any open consultations are closed.
You may be warned if you deselect a patient and there are unprinted therapy items, see Unprinted Therapy Warning for details.
You are warned if you try and deselect the patient and have a current form open, for example, Medical History, Therapy or BP:
Select from:
Save Form - To save the data before continuing,
Discard Changes - To discard the data recorded on the form, or
Cancel - To complete the form manually.